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Changelings. A child kidnapped, replaced by a fairy child. This is a common story, indeed, and while many who claim their child to be a changeling are simply delusional, the legends are not without merit. There are only a few types of fae that make the switch, generally the most humanoid types; the Tuatha dé Danaan …

The Lethfly

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The lethfly is one of the few non-sentient fae species. Being non-sentient, it is automatically unseelie, as only sentient species can join the Seelie Court. The etymology of the name is disputed. Some trace it back to Old Swedish “leþ” + “flugha”, with the latter meaning “fly” and the former meaning “journey, way, manner”. Others claim …

The Spider Women

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Appearance A jorōgumo has three forms – human, spider, and hybrid. The human form is unremarkable and not easily distinguished from a real human. In spider form, they take the form of a giant golden orb-weaver. A jorōgumo in spider form can grow quite large, reaching a leg span of 35cm or more. The hybrid form …

Fairy Rings

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A fairy ring is a circular fungal growth, often concealed beneath other vegetation except when the mushrooms grow up after a rain. Though natural in origin, fairy rings have some supernatural characteristics as well. Appearance Normally, a fairy ring appears as just a circle on the ground. Sometimes it may not even be visible, obscured by …


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Brownies are a small fae that lives in a house and typically helps the occupants of the house. Male brownies are more commonly seen, but female ones have been reported too. They are found around the world under various names. The term “brownie” originates in Scotland; in England they were called “hobs” or lobs, though recently …

The Cockroach People

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The gokiburi, or cockroach people, are a young fae believed to have come into existence in the last century. The word “gokiburi” is Japanese for “cockroach”. Although it’s accepted as the fae’s name in the international community, some Japanese obviously find it confusing, leading to some alternate names such as “gokikaburi” (based on the etymology of …

The Wild Hunt

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The Wild Hunt is an event where many fae of all different type band together for a hunt. Exactly what they are hunting is unknown, but during the hunt they ride multiple times around the planet, chasing the moon across the sky as they go, and anyone who gets in their way is either killed or …

Rakshasas - the soul devourers

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Rakshasas are widely feared, even by skilled mages, for they are one of the most powerful hostile fae known; only the kakodaimon can compete with a rakshasa in raw strength. Some call them the “true devils”, others refer to them as the “devourers of souls” due to an odd feature of their diet. Appearance A rakshasa’s …

Leannán Sí and Kakodaimons

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Leannán Sí (Seelie) The leannán sí, or “fairy lover”, is a beautiful fae who takes a human lover, granting them inspiration in exchange for their life force - a sort of vampiric muse. English speakers often drop the “si”, shortening the name to “leannan”. (In fact, speakers of many other non-Celtic languages also do this, taking …

Faerie Politics: The Seelie Court

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Among the fae in the Shadow Realm, the predominant system of governance is an anarchic approach. The fae do not, for the most part, organize themselves into states or other political groups. They value their own freedom above all else, and if someone wrongs them, it’s up to them to bring retribution to the wrongdoer. With …