The Grass Dragon

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Variously known as the grass dragon, plains dragon, or dragon wolf, this species is native to the open plains and foothills of Atlantis.


As suggested by one of its alternate names, a full-grown grass dragon is about the size of a wolf. Each wing is almost as large as its torso, and its tail is tipped with a wreath of sharp spines. Its head bears three slightly curved horns, similar to ceratopsians. Its scales are green to blend in with its grassy habitat, and it possesses sharp claws and teeth for hunting.

A grass dragon’s wings are relatively small and stunted, unsuited for flying. They are however large enough to enable them to glide from high places.

Life Cycle

Grass dragons build nests in tall grasses, where they lay three to five leathery eggs and watch over them until they hatch. It’s common for a mated pair to take turns guarding the eggs while the other hunts. The eggs hatch after around five weeks, and the young are able to move around on their own after a further month. Around three months after birth, they begin to join their parents on hunting expeditions. It takes just two years for them to reach full maturity, but they often stay with their parents until they have found a mate, which can take a few years.


Grass dragons feast exclusively on small rodents and reptiles, including rats, mice, lizards, and snakes. They prefer their meat cooked. On rare occasions they will also consume fruits, particularly if food is scarce.


Like the other dragons, the grass dragon breathes fire. Its gouts of flame are far less spectacular due to its small size, but they are still quite effective for their purposes.

Society and Culture

Grass dragons live in packs consisting of a mated pair and their offspring. Sometimes offspring from multiple clutches even live together. They seem to communicate through a mixture of chirps and barks, and it’s suggested that this might be a language almost as complex as human language; however, little progress has been made in deciphering it.

If tamed, a grass dragon becomes fiercely loyal to its master, much like a dog. While not a common pet in Atlantis, it wouldn’t be all that unusual to spot one in a village or even in the cities.

Brief History

Grass dragons have rarely played a significant role in history, apart from a few who were taken as familiars by well-known mages.

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