The European Dragon

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The best-known of the true dragons, the European Dragon can be divided into three subspecies1 which differ primarily in colour – the Arctic or Scandinavian dragon, which can be found in Northern Europe and occasionally ranges as far east as Siberia; the Welsh Dragon, which is native to the British Isles; and the Alpine Dragon, which …

The Lethfly

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The lethfly is one of the few non-sentient fae species. Being non-sentient, it is automatically unseelie, as only sentient species can join the Seelie Court. The etymology of the name is disputed. Some trace it back to Old Swedish “leþ” + “flugha”, with the latter meaning “fly” and the former meaning “journey, way, manner”. Others claim …

The Succubus and Incubus

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The cubi (singular cubus) are an unusual offshoot of humanity. It’s not clear whether they are a subspecies or just humans with a congenital condition, but they have been around for thousands of years, and are reflected in myths as the incubus and succubus, among others. Indeed, the name “cubus” is derived from those two mythological …

The Transitive Planes: Astral

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Coterminous with nearly all other non-transitive planes, the Astral Plane is the keystone to interplanar travel. Most teleportation type spells that cross planar boundaries rely on the Astral Plane, and will not function on planes such as the Faerie Plane that are disconnected from the Astral Plane. Many psionic powers are also dependent on the Astral …

The Spider Women

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Appearance A jorōgumo has three forms – human, spider, and hybrid. The human form is unremarkable and not easily distinguished from a real human. In spider form, they take the form of a giant golden orb-weaver. A jorōgumo in spider form can grow quite large, reaching a leg span of 35cm or more. The hybrid form …

Fairy Rings

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A fairy ring is a circular fungal growth, often concealed beneath other vegetation except when the mushrooms grow up after a rain. Though natural in origin, fairy rings have some supernatural characteristics as well. Appearance Normally, a fairy ring appears as just a circle on the ground. Sometimes it may not even be visible, obscured by …

Ritualistic Magic: An Overview

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Not all mages channel magic into spells. Some instead invoke specific rituals or follow other rules to channel their magic. This is called ritualistic magic, because the mage must perform specific actions in a specific order, sometimes at a specific place or time, in order to perform the spell. Ritualistic magic can be divided into three …

The Throne of Suffering

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Description It stands way out in the middle of a vast desert in Acheron, the fourth circle of Hell, towering some twenty-odd metres above the flat sands – a throne carved of dark red stone, rough-hewn yet quite elaborate, a stark contrast against the brightness of the surrounding sands. The throne stands vacant, avoided even by …


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It’s not uncommon for magical organizations or even individual powerful mages to create constructs, whether it be to defend their homes or territory or to simply provide them with companionship. Though a construct can be practically anything, there are a number of especially common types. This article covers three of the more common non-undead categories of …

The Accuser

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The Accuser. The Adversary. The Devil. Satan. Samael. Lucifer. Angra Mainyu. Iblis. He has many names, and is perhaps one of the most infamous people on Earth, to the point of becoming a symbol of evil in many religions. He was not always such a universally reviled person, however. Appearance As a djinn and thus a …