In Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia, you frequently fight enemy reyvateils who summon wolves or birds or small machines to their aid. This ability is never explained and the plot never touches upon it at all, but from what I understand, they are proven to be reyvateils by the fact that the item Siren's Canned Song can be used to cancel their stored attacks. (I have not actually tried this myself.)

It seems quite plausible to suppose they use song magic to control the birds, beasts, or machines (though it would also be plausible to attribute it to a magic item). So, this song is an interpretation of what a song magic to control birds might be like.

The lyrics are written in the Hymmnos language used in the game. The lyrics themselves and a rough translation are given below:

Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Here I wish for a companion and will accept what comes.
Fou paks gagis wearequewie has, wi harr ffas, wi fwal has pat.
Was yea ra famfa presia neyxin infelious ubititoe amariare fau ess ciellenne.
Was apea erra pat spiritum mea ttu presia ryushe omni lof.
Fou paks gagis wearequewie has, wi harr ffas, wi fwal has pat.
Was yea ra famfa presia neyxin infelious ubititoe amariare fau ess ciellenne.
Was apea erra pat spiritum mea ttu presia ryushe omni lof.
I'm excitedly wishing for her to be fast, and free of wing.
Please let me fly happily through the skies with my greatly beloved bird.
Release my soul into happiness so I can journey forever as I please.
Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Here I wish for a companion and will accept what comes.
Fou paks gagis wearequewie has, wi harr zauve, wi famfa wase.
Was yea ra arsye ciellenne neyxin lulurnya briyua pasherin fau nyasyamorina.
Was apea erra grruw spiritum mea ttu fountaina kohinilku ciel.
Fou paks gagis wearequewie has, wi harr zauve, wi famfa wase.
Was yea ra arsye ciellenne neyxin lulurnya briyua pasherin fau nyasyamorina.
Was apea erra grruw spiritum mea ttu fountaina kohinilku ciel.
I'm excitedly wishing for her to be clever, and powerful in flight.
Please let me happily share the skies with my greatly joyous bird.
Expand my soul into happiness to eternally fill the endless sky.
Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Here I wish for a companion and will accept what comes.
Fou paks gagis wearequewie has, wi harr heetha, wi sonwe xorg noes.
Was yea ra famfa presia neyxin yasra meaql lyrnya fau ess ciellenne.
Was apea erra rifaien spiritum mea ttu re pomb rol dius fau.
Fou paks gagis wearequewie has, wi harr heetha, wi sonwe xorg noes.
Was yea ra famfa presia neyxin yasra meaql lyrnya fau ess ciellenne.
Was apea erra rifaien spiritum mea ttu re pomb rol dius fau.
I'm excitedly wishing for her to be healthy, and sing with pride.
Please let me fly happily through the skies with my incredibly gentle bird
Revive my soul in eternal happiness to be reborn as a noble bird.
Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Wee touwaka wa jass ferx ess here. Here I wish for a companion and will accept what comes.
