These are words that the translator site claims to be from official D&D sources; however, I have no idea what these sources are. arrow vaess book turasjir born as tibur breathe frahr breathe weapon frahraek child vrak draconic creature darss dragonblood darastrixethe dragonborn ux Bahamuti expand turalisjth half-dragon darasv halt pok holy ioth invigorate strix knowledge irthir kobold petisse learn yor let there be fire nainarya normal munth pain loerchik powerful versel prolong ssearth prophecy lorsvek protect troth quest geth replenish veschik ruler ssissth savior of bejik serve faestir shrink kosjth silent ssej slayer of fintir spawn of Tiamat tiathar speaker lexi spellscale arcath un- nur- warrior arytiss well-dressed thul word lex