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Blessings of the Soul

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One of the uncommon magical phenomena categorized by the Ministry of Magic is something they term a “blessing”, which is a form of magical power received by one person upon the death of another. The term is a little misleading, as these powers are not always entirely in the recipient’s best interests, and some blessings have …

The Colour of Magic

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According to the teachings of Atlantis and the Ministry of Magic, all magic has two colours, the discipline colour and the signature colour. The discipline colour gives some indication of the magic’s effect, while the signature colour gives some indication of who cast the magic. They do not mix - someone using magic sight can see …

The Transitive Planes: Dream

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The general properties of the Plane of Dreams were already covered in a previous post, but there’s a lot more to this unusual plane than mentioned there. Layout and Connections The connections of the Plane of Dreams to other planes is a little fluid. It is always coexistent with the Astral Plane, though there is no …

Magic and the supernatural in Tarosir

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As a d20-based setting, Tarosir has many different types of supernatural forces. The four broad categories of supernatural power are magic, ki, psionics, and mythic power. Magic is further subdivided into several subcategories. Mechanically, this post also gives an idea of what player classes exist in the world, though it’s not completely comprehensive - classes with …

Elements and the Elementals

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The Six Elements Pentalithia has a system of six elements, rather than four. The elements are Light, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Mystery or Darkness. Many people associate the elements with basic states of water, such as liquid, solid, gas, and plasma. With this association, light represents energy, and mystery represents a super-cooled state. Others associate …